Praia da Vagueira #2, Portugal – October 2013
During our short stay at Praia da Vagueira we had the opportunity to watch the fishermen who still use traditional methods to set their nets.
Fishing the traditional way in Portugal

The unique flat-bottom wooden boats have been modified to use a 40 hp out-board motor instead of ores.
Each morning around 6:30 we could hear the rusted-out diesel tractors come to life and we would grab our cameras and head to the beach. The fishermen use traditional wooden flat bottom boats. Originally these boats were probably launched by hand through the waves with the help of oxen. Careful timing was important. They needed to launch between sets of waves that could easily capsize the boat. With the fishing nets in place, today’s tractors with power takeoff winches slowly pull the net back to shore. Again historically, oxen may have helped with this job.
It was interesting to watch this historic way of fishing. The fishermen were hard-working men, boys and women, and they all knew exactly what they needed to do. As the net was drawn to shore, everyone anticipated what kind and how many fish would be in the net. Typically they went out three times in the morning before the surf got too rough. Sardines seemed to be the primary catch of this day. They were hauled from the net onto the beach and carried to a sorting table from where they were auctioned off to commercial buyers. It is a fascinating tradition being kept alive. A fishing museum is under construction nearby.
- Four-wheel drive tractors push the boats into the ocean between wave sets.
- Launching and landing these wooden boats in the surf is a tricky operation.
- These boats made us feel we lived in another century.
- Traditionally, teams of oxen were used to drag the boats up on the beach.
- Two four-wheel drive tractors have replaced a team of oxen to drag the boats up the sandy beach and spin them around for the next launch.
- Early each morning, if the surf is calm enough, the tractors are the first to track the soft sand, ready for a launch.
- The new “oxen” are completely rusted out 4X4 tractors. Only the engine and transmission seem to survive the daily saltwater bath.
- Ropes are neatly coiled. There is no time to untangle lines as the
- Always a part of fishing, wondering what the net will bring in.
- Tractors with power takeoff winches slowly pull the net back to shore.
- Everyone is anxious to see what the catch is. Today it was mostly sardines.
- Locals with buckets were ready to buy the fresh catch.
- Once the catch is sorted to type and size, it is auctioned off to commercial buyers by the box.
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