New Compressor System
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Onboard compressed air is a critical and mandatory component of any expedition vehicle. On The Turtle V, it is used for our Hellwig rear air suspension, (, the front ARB Air Locker, ( and the twin Fiamm air horns, (, in addition to operating air tools, airing up tires, and even reseating the bead on a tubeless tire if it needs to be broken down for repair. Compressed air is also handy for blowing off dust from anything.

Extreme Outback's new ExtremeAire Velocity compressors use a 3/4 HP motor, 100% continuous cycle, to pump out 1.5 CFM @ 100 PSI.
To solve this need, we mounted twin ExtremeAire compressors in a custom K&W side box, ( Using the two Extreme Outback compressors, (, gives us the security of still having air should one fail. The new ExtremeAire Velocity compressors feature continuous duty with a ¾ HP motor that puts out 1.5 cfm at 100 psi. They will fill our 5-gallon AccuAir aluminum reserve tank in just over a minute, ( High-pressure air lines from PowerTank, (, connect to a pair of Campbell Hausfeld mini pressure regulators (, that feed the ARB Air Locker and the Fiamm air horns. All electrical connections to the various solenoids were made with reliable Quick Cable butt connectors, (, that have built-in heat shrink.

AccuAir's 5-gallon aluminum air tank was a perfect fit between our compressor box and the truck frame.
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