Happy New Year 2018
December 31, 2017
May 2018 bring you Happiness, Health and Peace.
Gary and Monika
Ask less – listen more
Consume less – enjoy more
Expect less – receive more
Brood less – trust more
Criticize less – wonder more
Do less – be more
Less me – more you
Impressions from Laos, April 2017
………life in a slower lane……..
- These cute girls spontaneously presented Gary with flowers.
Hi Gary and Monica,
A wonderful new year greeting, thanks. Jim and I were reading Gary’s article on “Trail Fixers” – many times over – before we realized who the author was! And lo and behold we have a glue question. We’re still working on our scale project, Learn Through the Universe, and have a peculiar need. It’s to glue tiny bits of pencil lead (1-2 mm long) vertically to a surface representing 1000x smaller than actual people. I tried 4 of our glues, including superglues, but they were tricky with the tiny bits. Any ideas? – knowing you may be on the road, no rush – Mercedes
Hi Mercedes. We just discovered your note. It is best to contact us directly at wescott@turtleexpedition.com Gary suggests to use a small drop of of UV Rapid Fix. Hold the pencil lead on the drop exactly where you want it (maybe with a couple of toothpicks) and shine the UV flashlight on it or take it outside in the sun. Sorry this so late. It was great to hear from you. Regards, Monika