England #5 London #3 5-13
So many museums. So little time. We hopped on the Hop-On-Hop-Off tour bus to save some walking and while we did get a passing glance of some of the thousands of attractions, it was still a challenge to negotiate the masses of tourists doing the same thing. Riding over the famous Tower Bridge, often mistaken for the equally famous London Bridge, now in Arizona, was interesting, but we would need to take a closer look on foot. Museums have their unique exhibits, but some displays are pretty weird. Even using the bus to get around, we were doing good to see three things in one day, allowing time to catch the train back to our hideout in Godalming.

This stone turtle in the British Museum’s Ancient Middle East section reminded us of how we usually travel.

Museums have their points of interest, but this wall hanging made of thousands of wine bottle foils made Gary wonder why. Surely the artist didn’t drink all that wine — or maybe he did.

On the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation, this area was named the “Swiss Court” as a token of the lasting friendship between Switzerland and the United Kingdom. The Cantonal Tree displays the coats of arms of the twenty-six cantons of Switzerland.

London is a MAJOR tourist attraction. Note the five red buses in the background on famous Trafalgar Square with Lord Nelson’s statue honoring his major victory against the French and Spanish armada in 1805.
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